Designed to Reduce Worker Strain and Fatigue
The Apex 2 is not intended to increase productivity demands on workers. Increasing productivity (e.g., lifting and bending more than usual) may negate some of the benefits of the exosuit. However, a study has been released stating that the exosuit allows for an 8% increase in productivity, a 30% decrease in back discomfort, an 81% of workers will continue to use the exosuit. This 8% improvement in productivity would result in a payback period of under 5 months. Savings could exceed $150,000 in one year for 40 workers alone. Over 5 years, allowing for occasional maintenance costs, this 8% productivity improvement could result in over $700,000 in savings, a more than 13x return on the initial investment of the Apex 2s.
Use our ROI Calculator to learn your return on investment using the Apex 2
The Apex 2 is designed to reduce strain and fatigue on workers. In some cases, workers may feel less low back discomfort, strain, or fatigue with the exosuit, and as a result, they might be more productive. This would be a secondary, unintended benefit, which would have some tradeoff with risk reduction.