How to inspect the Apex 2?

How to check the Apex for safety and proper function

Visually inspect the suit daily

Be on the lookout for the following : 

  • Wear and tear on soft fabric components of Apex suit such as shoulder straps, webbing keepers, and thigh sleeves 
  • Broken or worn buckles
  • Ripped, cut, or fraying webbing adjustment straps 
  • Cracked, broken, or worn bands
  • Wear and tear on the thin rope exiting the Clutch housing
  • Inability for the rope to enter or exit the Clutch
  • Cracked or broken Switch or Clutch
  • Cut, broken, or detached Bowden cable between the Switch and Clutch


  • Visually inspect the bands, followed by manually stretching them, checking for cracks, tears, or other damage
  • Visually inspect the Clutch for cracks, dents, or loose fasteners
  • To test the system functionally, don the suit
  • Pinch the yellow switch together to turn OFF
  • Move through the range of motion typically experienced in your work environment in OFF or disengaged mode 
  • Push on the yellow shelf down towards the ground to turn ON 
  • Move through the range of motion typically experienced in your work environment turned ON or engaged mode 
  • Observe any unusual sounds, vibrations, or behavior in both disengaged and engaged mode from any system component
If the inspection reveals an area of concern, please contact your supervisor or for further guidance.